A “Bad Hair” Day

I found this in “drafts” as I was going through old posts, saving files, making hard copy….  Some old drafts were starts that didn’t need to finish.  This one seemed worth posting as it made me smile so much.  Too bad I didn’t take a picture at the time. 

Yesterday was literally a “bad hair” day and probably the very worst hair day i’ve had since I was 12 and the perm chemical burned my scalp and I broke out with blisters all over my back.  So, for the next 44 years I have not had a bad hair day until yesterday.  I realize in writing that I don’t even consider my loss of hair from chemotherapy in this category.  Yesterday, and age 12 were about “screw-ups”.

 I needed a touch up and finally found time Thursday evening.  I’ll cut to the end, which is that I went in looking for touch up of my reddish brown and came out with BLACK hair.  This was not an accident or a mis communication, but a hair dresser who was angry that I’d turned him down many times when he wanted to massage my head and I’d been using other people.  The salon told me I could come back and they would lighten it.  This is an “upscale” place I’ve been going to for at least a year.

In the spirit of celebration , I decided a special treat would be to take out “First in Class” winner to the salon with me, to have her hair cut (which she wanted) and to have a first manicure, and I’d have my hair fixed.   We had a great time.  BUT, my hair was a disaster.  First they tried to dye it reddish but after an hour it was clear that black could not be lightened.  I was actually quite relaxed about it, but insistent it wasn’t OK.  So, they bleached it to get out the black.  The problem was, and I could see from how they put it on, that they didn’t cover all areas.  So I sat wondering what this was going to look like and I knew it wasn’t good.  My “First in Class” and I laughed and I ordered up croissants as it was taking so long.  I kept whispering to her, “I think this is REALLY bad!”  In the meantime she’d had her manicure, and loved it, with pink sparkly polish that matched the salwar suit she was wearing.  The haircut was layered to her shoulders, and is really beautiful.

After the bleach — I think they were just in over their heads (no pun intended) as they didn’t seem to register how bad it was, they put on the red dye.  I’ve written before about Holi, the festival of colours.  People put powder dye and spray water with dye.  I look like I’ve just been “Holied” as my head is a combination of orange, red, and black streaks and patches.  But what to do?  So I said it was fine, and I’ll go elsewhere. 

So, “Beautiful First in Class” and Mummy skipped out of there laughing at my head and came home.  The girls love my funny looking head.  I don’t have to look at it except when brushing my teeth.

2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Christine Braen Futia
    Jun 26, 2011 @ 10:58:08

    I think I was with you when this happened! As soon as I read the title of this post, I knew!


  2. Dr. Michelle Harrison
    Jun 27, 2011 @ 09:24:10

    Yup! I can’t believe we didn’t take pictures! Check your files?


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