The Girls Discover the Internet


This is a moment I worried about, when the girls discovered the internet and You Tube.  Now I have to make sure access is controlled.  It hasn't been, as teachers use it for teaching.  But now the girls have figured out how to do it on their own. They came to me last evening, as homework was finished, and they asked to use the computer.  At first I thought they wanted a laptop.  I restricted use because someone ate crackers while using a laptop and I've had to clean it thoroughly.  But no, they wanted the big computer. 

"Why?" I asked.

"We want to see the movie of Kali."  A teacher had been showing them the internet on Saturday, for science, other uses and then asked them what they wanted to see.  Each had a chance to search a subject.  Most wanted to see the Gods.

Last evening they opened the computer, but then needed some help searching, and finding their way to You Tube.  They were supposed to type in "Kali Goddess" but they started with "Goddess" and you can imagine what came up, and what I clicked off immediately, and showed them they had to type Kali first.  Then they were on their own, with me coming to check every few minutes.  By the time I thought to get the camera they were on Ganesha already.  Here are more of what they watched. 




Ganga usually watches TV with the others, and she loves the computer, but last night they left her in front of the TV, giving her a DVD to watch.  The content was more of the same:


Obviously I need to watch closely what goes on the computer, and I'll unplug the modem when we aren't using the computer.  As the modem is in my office, it will take them a while to figure out "the problem" and then I'll find other ways to watch.  But in truth, they are very reliable in telling me what they are watching.  I've written this before, but I'm raising them in a bubble.  I know that.  We don't have TV.  We do have newspapers and the girls keep up with "Entertainment News" that way.

The girls and their Gods… these become personal relationships, and sources of wisdom for them each.  One of the girls was being disruptive, as she gets when she is anxious, and another girl said to her, "Just keep a picture of Krishna with you, and look at it if you are upset." The girl telling her had been through bad times here herself.  More than once she had called on the Gods to tell her why she had been put here (on Earth) to suffer.

Well, back in the mundane realm of life here, we looked at a house yesterday that was not suitable, but also helped us understand what are our basic requirements — safety first.  Five groups came through our house yesterday, and one wants to make the offer.  I told him to find us a place.  He said he had been looking for two years.  I said, "Then you know better than I do what is out there."  I'm honest about why I'm leaving.  Everyone understands that I'm not safe here as a foreigner, and with the girls — so it doesn't discourage anyone.  Yesterday one family came through, and I learned afterwards they are Christian.  They should not buy.  They will not be safe.  Someone without a power base outside this "End of the Lane" would not be safe.  Bengalis are safe here; Punjabis are safe here.  This is only observation, just how it is.  If this were not true, we wouldn't have to leave.  The people yesterday wanted to bargain, of course.  They said the price was a little high.  I told them I'd just started, and if we couldn't sell of course I'd lower the price but right now, we have lots of interest.  He smiled and said he wouldn't bargain.  He understood the money is for the kids.  Prayer time was started and we invited him to stay. It was nice.  It's a good time each evening.

I really have a sense that it will all work out, and that the next house will be fine, and I might even have a bigger office.  I work in half a room here. And the room is always a mess.  So I keep thinking that it may be easier to move than straighten up my office.  I try always to look on the bright side. 





1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. miriam gaenicke
    Jul 12, 2011 @ 08:22:42

    Very interesting!!! Kids technology and spirituality. What an amazing combination!


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